Becky Cleland lives with her husband in the foothills of North Carolina. She is a potter when not working as a local community college librarian. With work time limited and much of her work quite detailed, there is not a great deal of it available at any one time.
White stoneware Silhouette vessels are painted with underglaze and glazed with a low-fire clear glaze to preserve the stark nature of the black on white. Natural scenes often comprise specific landforms with native flora and fauna; particularly, the deserts of the southwestern U.S. or the Appalachian mountains; others portray a sole tree of interesting form.
Silhouette ware is the product of my appreciation of the variety of natural forms on the Earth in concert with my pleasure in crafting items that ask for the participation of the viewer. The silhouette provides a suggestion: the viewer is engaged to supply imagined details to identify and complete the form. Each viewer will form mental details that are slightly different from the next, thereby creating in the silhouetted scene something like a subtly living, changing entity.
Hands of Spirit vessels, also usually made with white stoneware, are works generated from my belief in the connectedness of all beings in spiritual kinship. We all have hands with which to work, to express ourselves, to join to others’ hands in friendship and kinship. Hands provide the symbol of our commonality. A Hands of Spirit vessel represents the heart of the human spirit; it provides a physical symbol of the place in the heart where one’s deepest feelings are held. A Hands of Spirit pair serves as a miniature altar for lifting up those feelings to higher Spirit: in need, in gratitude, or in offering. Singularly, the Hands of Spirit can be employed by any religion or community. I hope to play a part in the promotion and acceptance of spiritual connectedness across the planet through the contribution of the Hands of Spirit.
Most Greenthorn ware is intended for decorative or devotional purposes only and is not food-safe.